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Blueprint for love


©del Script: Joan Guerola


John Mcbride.


A shabby looking classroom in a Further Education College which is in a state of collapse. Through the windows a small enclosed garden can be seen, with plants and flowers, which cheer up the rainy afternoon. Between classes some students chat while others, such as Rivero, who is boastful and conceited, and has a limp, persists in annoying Borja, a timid individual who always tries to pass unnoticed within the group.


Leave my things alone!

Rivero’s face is expressionless.

                                                      BORJA (again)

For Christ sake, leave me in peace, will you!  

As Borja can’t get peace to finish copying out his notes, he runs off and grabs some chalk.

                                                       BORJA (again)

(To Rivero) Clear off, you bastard!


Don’t,   Borja, don’t!

His warning comes too late as Rivero crouches down and the chalk hits Carme Darnius in the  face as she enters the room. Carme is elegant and attractive.


Who’s responsible for this, then?

She sees Borja with the chalk in his hands.

                                                           CARME (again)

(Astonished) Borja! Borja! What do you think you are doing at your age, throwing chalk?  (Sternly)  The pupils sit down. Carme takes out her register and begins to call out their names. When she  reaches Rivero’s, she stops.

                                                            CARME (again)

(To Rivero) You weren’t at your last class, were you?


(Insolent and without thinking) That idiot who takes us then really has it in for me. 


If   you’ve been  marked absent it’s because you weren’t in class. 


Yes, I was. I arrived five minutes late. I couldn’t get there any sooner. The Maths teacher never believes anything I tell him….


Fine. Discuss the matter with him then.

                                                              CARME (again) 

Last day we talked about microbes. Today we’re going to talk about amaobae.  

She looks over to where Rivero is sitting and takes out a slide showing amoeba and protozoa.

While Carme talks, some of the students listen. Others take notes on desks scratched with drawings of phallic symbols or couples engaged in sexual intercourse. As Carme turns round to write on the board, a girl seizes the opportunity to collapse onto the lap of Mas, a loud and arrogant young man with bad acne, who sets about fondling her breasts. While all this goes on,  Borja, as if in a trance, continues to gaze at Carme.


(Whispers to Mas) Not here, for heaven’s sake!  

The girl sits up properly and lowers her head. Through the windows, you can see the rain falling more heavily. The lesson continues, with the students showing little interest, until the bell rings.


For tomorrow I want you to read over the work we covered today, so we can go on with some written work.

Some students go out and others remain, standing about. Carme gathers her books together  and leaves. Borja’s gaze follows her.


(To Rivero) Why the hell did you speak to the teacher like that for?


What’s it to you!


What do you care?


(Contemptuously) You creep, you should be thrown out  for throwing chalk at her.


How much longer do I have to put up with you!


(Smirking) Forever!


It is raining heavily. Sheltering as best he can from the rain with his anorak  collar up, and  protecting his books with his arms, Borja walks along the pavement, keeping close to the wall. An  Audi draws up beside him. Someone speaks to him from inside the car.


(To Borja) Can I give you a lift home?


Oh, thanks! If you drop me off on the way, that would be fine…


Not at all, I’m going your way; get in.

Borja tries to open the door, but he is nervous and can’t get it open. Finally he opens it and get in.

Borja sits down. Carme looks at him and smiles. Borja, ill at ease, realises that his anorak is wet and he takes it off clumsly. The car starts to move off.  Borja is embarrassed and watches  Carme from the corner of his eye.


How come you’re on your own? Aren’t the other students going home as well?


I think… that they’ve maybe gone to the bar, or to the pool hall.



Silence. A car behind them sounds its horn.

                                                               CARME (again)

Has something happened to Vidal? It’s ages since he came to class.


Well, I know his mother has diabetes and he has to look after his brother; his dad is a lorry driver so he’s always out.

He stumbles over his words and the sound of his voice merges into the drumming of rain on the car.


I thought it was something like that.


Look at the rain!


And what about you? How are your studies going?


I’m struggling with Spanish. And the teacher’s not very sympathetic.

Carme pulls a face and then turns serious. She stops the car.

                                                                BORJA (again)

Thanks. If it wasn’t for you…

Borja is going to get out when he realises that his trousers are wet.  Both of them look, and laugh. Borja, embarrassed, but happy, opens the door.

                                                                  BORJA (again)

See you… tomorrow.

A squall of rain blows through the open door.


(Laughing) Close the door!


A medium sized room, 1970s style wallpaper in warm pastel tones with lines and flowers; the  walls are slightly damp. The furniture consists of a fitted wardrobe, a small desk, bookshelves  with textbooks on electricity and novels, a chair, a bed with an antique, rather worn looking bedside table, on which there’s a sepia tinted photograph of a peasant couple, and alighted lamp.   There’s a crucifix on the wall above the bed.  The atmosphere of the room contrasts with the bright colours of the quilt covering Borja. He is lying down with his head on the bolster, and  resting on one hand. His eyes are open and he is gazing up at the ceiling.


As Borja watches Carme driving, he notices,  the delicacy of her hands, and how they control  the steering wheel gently and decisively. She is wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger of her left hand. Carme speaks but nothing can be heard. Borja sees her lips move and how she looks at him with interest and he looks away. He tries to see more details until he falls asleep.


Christmas decorations being put up in the corridor by some students while others, supervised  by a teacher, are setting up a nativity scene. Borja comes in and smiles with satisfaction at the  scene. He’s happy. He’s heading for the classroom but he stops when he sees Carme chatting  to a young male teacher. She is very animated. Meanwhile Borja finds a spot from where he can  spy on what they are doing.He edges out carefully and when he thinks he can be seen, he conceals himself . When he realises that Carme is leaving, he runs towards the classroom. He  hides his agitation when he joins the others students, but his lower lip is trembling.


The room is painted white, with little furniture: a dilapidated sofa that has been cheered up  with an Indian durrie, a small TV in one corner and beside it a trunk with a telephone on it, a  small music centre and an antique , rather battered, kitchen table. On the walls there are works of modern art. One of them is a portrait of Borja in oils. Borja comes in, drops his books on the table, picks up the telephone, dials, and when he hears it ring for the second time at the other end, he hangs up.  He hesitates, dials again, and again hangs up, uncertainly. He sits on the sofa and speaks to someone who is present only in his mind.


“This is someone from the college calling to wish you a happy Christmas!” No, that won’t do.  “I’m Borja, just calling to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year”.

He picks up the phone again. He is struck by doubt and puts the phone down for the last time. He gets his books, pulls out some postcards, chooses one, and writes “Dear Carme, I am writing to   wish you a Merry Christmas…” He is angry with himself for having addressed her so formally.  He chooses another postcard and in nervous handwriting, with words corrected, he puts, “I hope  Christmas is soon over so we can see each other again.”

                                                               BORJA (again)

(Pleased with what he has written, reads out loud)   I hope Christmas is soon over so we can see each other again.

The door opens and Elisenda comes in.

Elisenda has  a good figure. She is a few years older than her brother Borja. Elisenda is laden  with bags of groceries.


(To Borja) Don´t just sit there, help me! Can’t you see I’m going to drop something?

Borja gets up and takes two bags.

                                                                  ELISENDA (again)

Oof, what a day. Christmas is horrible. The shops are packed

As she passes, Elisenda looks at the postcard Borja is writing.


(Covering the postcard with a book) Don’t be nosy!


(Archly) Aha! Say no more!


A long, narrow kitchen, opening onto a small balcony 70s style, but well-maintained, very clean and tidy.

Elisenda, dressed elegantly, is serving the turkey.


(Calling) Dinner’s served!

                                                                         BORJA (offstage)

I’m coming!


Borja and Elisenda are finishing their meal. Borja gets up and takes the plates through to the  kitchen. Elisenda takes the opportunity to place a small gift on the table where he was sitting.  Borja arrives bringing his gift . The two exchange a look, they smile at each other, and open  their gifts. Her gift is a bottle of cologne and Borja wraps a multicoloured scarf   round his neck. They kiss one another.


Thank you!

They burst out laughing.


(She looks at her brother).   You’re so handsome…  You look so like Mum…


Christmas dinner. There’s a big fire lit in the dining-room. At the table, the same table as before, are seated three children and the elderly couple seen earlier  in the photo.  The woman is serving steaming plates of soup. The children are wearing brightly coloured scarves, before eating the home-made turrón and other sweets.


After the Christmas holidays, the students  are seated in class, half asleep, in unaccustomed  silence, paying no attention to the teacher who is clumsily reciting a poem by Quevedo…”There was once a man with a big nose…” The bell rings.  The teacher leaves, the pupils get up and disorder takes over. The girls show each other their sweaters and new anoraks while Borja takes  out a science texbook and puts it on his desk. Rivero appears from behind; first he pushes one of the girls and then he heads for Borja.


Hey, so how many birds did you score?

Rivero still has the stamp on the side of his wrist from the last disco he went to.


None. I don’t know why you ask me things like that.


Oh, yea? So what have you been up to? (Challenging)


Don’t be such a pain!


Christ, you mean you didn’t pull a single one!


You bastard. Why don’t you eff off and mind your own business!


Alright, alright, I get the idea. Unlike you, I showed three girls a good time with this.

Rivero gestures to his genitals.




What do you mean, so? Even you would enjoy…


Personally, I don’t like your lifestyle, nor do I like the way you brag about your conquests.


Come on! Why can’t you  drink a few whiskies and get off with a bird? What are you? A poof  or something?


Me? It’s you that’s  queer, hanging round that literature teacher all the time.

Rivero, furious, grabs Borja’s science textbook and hurls it to the ground in  a fit of almost childish rage. Borja laughs at him.


Why don’t you go and rot in hell with your money, you tight-fisted bastard!

Borja continues to laugh. Rivero, with a bilious expression on his face, picks up his leather jacket and leaves the classroom.                                                                       


Borja is in the toilets. Everything is filthy. He urinates with obvious disgust, holding his breath.  He reads the obscene graffiti written by his fellows students. He washes his hands, and in the  space where there used to be a mirror, there are now only fragments, a stain of blood and shards of glass scattered on the floor. Borja reads some freshly written graffiti bearing the words “Borja is a bastard”.


(To himself) Rivero!


Borja comes out of the toilets. He is visibly upset.  He bumps  into Carme who is heading towards the classroom.


Borja! How was the Christmas  break?


(Serious) Fine, fine!


What’s the matter? Was there a monster in the toilets?


Actually, there was.

Carme smiles, without getting the joke.


Carme is the first to come into the classroom. Borja follows her. Carme teaches her lesson on the rat. Borja watches her, lost in himself.  Riera rolls up a pellet of paper and throws it at Borja’s back.  Borja neither feels it, nor shows any sign of what he is feeling. The bell goes. They all troop out.


Borja and Carme are standing on the promenade beside the church. They gaze at a scenery characterised by the blue of the Mediterranean, with the bay of Roses, the Medas Islands and the string of coastal towns, and the snow on the Canigó and the rest of the Pyrinees. Then they  play in a fountain, throwing water at each other, jumping about crazily, bumping into, and then   separating from, one another. They sit down on a bench next to a pine tree. Carme sighs. Borja looks at her. He is on edge.


I like being with you.


Great! I like being with you too!


The down side is… is having to go back home.




I don’t like being closed in. It makes me feel small. And empty. It depresses me.


I preferred living in the country…


Who do you stay with?


My sister.


What’s she like?


She’s very straightforward and intelligent. She’s taken up painting now. I’m sure she’ll be a great  artist. We’ve always been together. When we were little,  we lived in the country. We used  to catch birds with limed twigs. In the summer we used to catch frogs in streams and ponds.  My sister also used to help my mother wash the clothes in the stream and she used to beat the washing against   rocks.


What was your home like then?


Everything was pretty basic, there were no frills. Our mother   used to tell us to keep an eye on the house in case tramps and down-and-outs came by, with their bundles and baggy trousers. So that’s what we did, while the adults worked in the fields and our mother kept house.


Come on, lets gather some herbs. You know all about the countryside and as for me… well I’m biologist.

They get up. They disappear into the pine trees. They start to gather basil and rosemary. Evening begins to fall.      


On their return home, they get a puncture. Borja gets nervous and on edge, but doesn´t explain why.  He calms down and takes the opportunity to demonstrate   his practical skills while he changes the wheel. This establishes Borja, as the hero, in the dominant role,  with Carme’s tacit acceptance. To get back home quickly, they take the Saint Daniel road, and when  they arrive,  night has already fallen.


A smart flat. The sitting room is painted white, with designer furniture and modern paintings  on the walls. Borja’s clothes are dirty and his hands are black. Carme looks at him from head to foot.


Right, I’m off.


Have a shower here.  You can’t go in that state.


And what if your husband turns up?


Don’t worry. I’ll sort that out.

Carme gazes at him tenderly.

                                                                 CARME (again)

While you’re having a shower I’ll clean your clothes.


A modern, superclean bathroom, brightly lit, with a huge bathtub, a big mirror, jars filled with  little balls of bubble bath and expensive soaps. Borja takes everything in.

                                                                   CARME (off stage)

Leave your clothes outside.

Borja takes off his shirt and trousers, opens the door a fraction and drops them outside. He closes the door and slides the lock into place. He finishes undressing while he notes Carme’s  husband’s swanky razor.


Borja, just showered, comes into the sitting room. Carme is laying the table for two, and on it  places a  bowl of salad.


Are you in a rush? I mean, are you meeting someone?


No. Why?


Well, why don’t you stay and have dinner with me? Otherwise I’ll just have to eat on my own.


(Edgy) Stay and have dinner?  Right now? What about your husband?


He left a message on the answer machine. He won’t be back till very late. He says I’m not to want  up for him.


O.K. I’d love to.

They sit down.


Borja and Carme are sitting on the sofa. Carme pours two cups of coffee which are on a little  table. They are watching a film, but when Borja goes to get the sugar, he places his hand on Carme’s arm. Embarrassed, he quickly removes his hand.


(She gestures   with   the spoon)  Two spoonfuls?


(Stupidly) Um… yes… no… just one.

Borja hears a noise and starts. On the TV screen  the inside of a church can be seen. A little girl  is making her first holy communion. The little girl gazes rapturously and with great faith at the  priest.


That’s what I was like when I was a child.  Now I only go to church when I’m really down, because there’s peace there to think… Of course I go  when someone gets married.


I do go to church but not very often. Do I seem a bit old- fashioned?


It’s a free world. I’m not a religious person myself, but I respect other people’s religious convictions. 

There’s a long silence, with a mood of seduction. The only sound is from the voices of the actors in the film.


Borja is stretched out on the sofa, bored and fed up. He is starving up at the ceiling with a science  textbook opened, but unread, on his chest.


(As she sets the table) Well, you look really fed up. What’s the matter?

Borja looks at her impassively.

                                                            ELISENDA (again)

With a face   like that, you must have a heavy date planned.

Borja looks at her with disgust, but says nothing.

                                                            ELISENDA (again)

O.K.  Suit yourself then.


Interval between lessons. Borja is cheerful. Inside the classroom a discussion on politics and military service is taking place. Borja, Rivero, Riera , Mas and other students are in a group, engaged in heated debate. Around them the other students are chatting, laughing or simply messing about.


All politicians want to do is  syphon off money into their bank accounts. They’re all the same, whatever side they’re on.

Nearly all the students in the group agree with this, in spite of the fact that they are not interested   in  politics.

                                                                  RIVERO (again)

I don’t want to do my military service.


I agree with you. It’s a waste of   time. 


Well  I’m in favour. I want to do it so I can get into the Civil Guard afterwards.


Sounds like you’re turning into some kind of fascist!


(to Mas) Mas, look before you leap. Why don’t you aim for college?


Everyone in my family says that the army will make men of us.

(He picks his nose)


That’s a bit extreme!


And after you’ve done your Military Service, then what?  The Civil Guard? You must be off    your head. I never knew you were so keen on uniforms.


(Shouting at he top of his voice) I’m fucking doing my military service, O. K.!    

They haven’t noticed that Carme has just come into the classroom. Mas goes to his seat as do the rest of the students.


Right, you all seem a bit over-excited. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and to their own choices in life.

(To Mas) Although I do think you should look into other alternatives.

While she speaks,   Borja  blushes visibly, is obviously upset , and keeps his head lowered. At the same time he clicks his pen frenetically. The class starts a few moments later.                


A bright afternoon.  There’s a strong wind outside, blowing off   the Pyrinees . Carme and Borja’s hair is windswept, Carme struggles to keep her skirt down in the wind, they are struggling  against the wind, and get into the car. Once inside, they tidy their hair and clothes, and shiver from the cold.


Have you seen the film “Pretty Woman”?


He starts to hum the theme tune. 

We sing it to the words “Silly Woman”. The actress is very pretty.

Borja laughs. Carme joins in.


She is, isn´t she? I think all the actresses are pretty. Though the lead actor is good-looking as well, and he’s a really good actor. (Her eyes are half-closed when she speaks).


Borja, dressed as the lead actor of “Pretty Woman”, embraces and kisses Carme. 

Carme’s voice, the voice of his dreams, brings Borja back to reality.


I went to see the film on my own.  My husband doesn’t like cinema- one’s man meat is another man’s poison. 

(Borja says nothing and tries to conceal his surprise).

                                                                     CARME (again)

Do you like classical music? Do you fancy coming to a concert with me?


I don’t know. Do you think I would enjoy it?


Of course I do. Let’s go after Easter. ( Borja nods in agreement).


O.K.  (He looks at her and smiles).


Do you go to the theatre?


Not much. I like River Dance. They’re excellent artists.  They must work out  a lot in the gym.


I work out as well. Do you?


Well, all I do really is watch the tennis on T V!

 While he is speaking Borja notices Laia Casadevall passing by close to the car. Laia looks at him  and then avoids his gaze. Borja is upset.  Carme notices this but says nothing. A red car draws  up near them and Martínez gets out.


(Carme grimaces desperately) What can this bore want? 

(Martínez parks beside them.  He lowers  his window and speaks to Carme over Borja’s head.)


I’ll see you tonight?


I’m sorry, I can’t. I’ve got people coming over.


What are you doing here?


That’s nothing to do with you.


What’s this babe-in-arms doing in your car?

Borja is mortified and feels belittled.


I’m going to start the car. Get out of the way.

Martínez is furious and does not move.

She starts the car and tries to move off. Martínez then gets out of the way, but as her car moves off, he follows her in his car. A car chase follows : Carme tries to lose him in the streets of the city. They manage to shake Martínez off. They return via the Main Park, where they stop and Borja collects his belongings together and leaves for his house with his books under his arm, singing “All my loving” under his breath. The street lights in the city light up. It is still windy, it is getting ever colder and the pealing of the Cathedral bells can be heard quite clearly in the Main Park, which is an oasis of peace far from the bustle of the the city centre. The park is almost deserted, except for a few youths in ripped  jeans who are annoying passers-by.


Borja is in the “Nuria” in Poeta Marquina Square.  The square, which opens on to a  busy street, Barcelona street, is broad, with rows of plane trees, the branches of which are usually full of birds, especially starlings. There are so many birds that the air is filled with their chirping and the parked cars are covered with bird droppings.  Borja listens idly to a pop  song which some youths are singing along to while they drink their beer. Borja drinks Coca-Cola. A woman puts her hands over his eyes. It is Laia, slim and slightly built, with narrow lips and  lively eyes. Borja feels her hands with his, and she laughs.  



Laia removes  her hands. They kiss each other and Borja is frightened and nervous.


Don’t you like surprises?    


What surprises? What surprise are you referring to?


(Mischievously) All sort of surprises!  I’ve got a new surprise waiting for you every day.


So, how’s everything? O.K. , I hope?


My course is going terribly, and I’m not allowed to repeat anything. The teachers are being really bad to me.


So what are you going to do?


I’m no good at anything. There’s no point in starting anything. I don’t see a future for myself anywhere: I don’t want to study or to work.

(She takes another drink from her beer)

                                                        LAIA (again)

And, besides, I don’t get on with my father. We’re always arguing. My mother tries to keep the peace.  She’s the only one who wants us all to get on together as a family, and, if she can, get us a bigger flat.

Borja looks at her absently, without paying attention to what she is saying.



The dining room is in a mess. Antoni (Borja and Elisenda’s father) is very angry and  is beating Elisenda, 14, with a shoe; Elisenda is weeping in terror. Borja, 11, is crouched in a corner, covering his ears.



Elisenda holds Borja’s hand. They separate from the group coming out, and they turn down a road.


Hey, Elisenda, this isn’t the way we usually go home.


We’re not going home. We’re running away.


(Fearfully) I don’t want to.

Borja lets go of her hand.


Come on, let’s go, stop crying. Do you want me to hit you as well?


But I’m frightened!


Well, I’m off. You can do whatever you want.

Elisenda sets off. Borja hesitates, follows her, and takes hold of her hand.



Night is falling far from the town. They enter a derelict house. They try to sleep on the straw in spite of the noise from the mice which stops them sleeping. They are afraid. However, as they are tired, they sleep until the barking of a dog wakes them up.



They reach the next town at midday. They go into a shop. They steal bread and a  tin of sardines. After they have eaten they don’t know what to do.  They are dirty and too tired to go on. Suddenly they look up and see their father standing in front of them, looking at them  threateningly. Elisenda places a protective arm round her brother. They set off with their father behind them.


(The flashback ends by merging into Laia’s conversation).

and my dad says I’ll have to get on with my life without any help from them, but my mother is  against it.  As for me, I’m happy with the telly and a few beers.


That’s not true. You know that’s not what you want.


Do you think so?


You’re not like that. (Pause) What’s your brother up to?  I haven’t seen him for ages.


Him! He’s more into drugs every day. Sometimes over a week goes by before he shows up at the house.  My mother’s beside herself with worry and whenever she hears someone’s died from an overdose,  she just about collapses.


I had no idea. That’s terrible!


My dad tries to use me to control my brother. He interrogates me about him. Sometimes I tell him lies so as not to upset my mother.  It’s hell. My home has become hell.


I remember your brother being great at sport.

Laia looks at him sadly. She finishes her drink.


Carme and Borja, very smartly dressed, cross Gómez Bridge and head for the old part of Girona. Borja takes off his anorak and walks on, in his salmon coloured shirt and waistcoat  with horizontal stripes. As they walk up the steps leading to the Cathedral, now out of breath,  they start to hear the orchestra tuning up. When they enter the Cathedral, Borja puts on his anorak. The concert is Schubert’s 8th Symphony, the first movement, followed by his Mass in  G major.

Borja is amaze. Carme looks at him with barely concealed tenderness, and the concert ends. Borja, moved, applauds, Carme looks at him. She also applauds with enthusiasm.


Borja comes in. Elisenda is sitting on the sofa watching T.V. . When she sees Borja, she switches it off.


We’ve got to talk.

Borja sits down. She adopts an air of certainty that is almost comical.

                                                           ELISENDA (again)

Borja, I don’t want to be interfering, but I would like to know something about the woman you are  going out with.


Today we went to a classical music concert and it was marvellous. It was in the Cathedral and…


(Interrupting him) You’ve got to think about the fact she’s an older woman and could be married.


She is married.  We’re only friends. She’s just someone who needed…


You, I suppose.


And besides, she knows so much! The theatre, films, music. She’s incapable of hurting anyone. Least of all me.


I don’t want you to stop seeing her if   you like her so much. I’m just frightened you’ll be let    down.


Don’t worry. (Pause) What have you been painting today?

Elisenda shows him a canvas of nude models walking down a catwalk while below, as the public, there are doves and seagulls applauding.  Borja tells her that he doesn’t know where she gets her imagination from and that he could never be an artist.


The college is half empty. It is exam time.  Today there is a difficult exam on, although for these students, all exams are difficult. Borja and Rivero meet in the corridor.


I’ve lost all my notes and my Biology textbook. I need  you to help me to do a Biology assignment…


(Gravely) I’ll think about it.


(Threateningly) Don’t try and tell me you don´t know how to do it. You get good marks. Don’t  try and wriggle out of it or I’ll…


Or what?


Or I’ll put the word around about a little secret of yours.  About Martínez seeing you in the Science teacher’s car.


You better shut up!


You better help me!


And you keep your trap shut!


Well help me then!


O. K. , O. K. !

Borja goes off very angry.


Through the windows can be seen the lime trees whose perfume fills the grounds of the college.  The female students are wearing miniskirts and the males are in short sleeves. The teacher, Martínez, is handing out the reports to the students.  Mas pulls a long face as he has failed severals subjects.  Meanwhile Rivero jumps for joy. Borja looks at him distrustfully, in spite of his having  passed everything.


That afternoon Borja is dressed in his best clothes, and has gone to a lot of trouble over his  appearance, and is possibly waiting for Carme with a bunch of flowers in front of their usual  kiosk. She arrives.  They greet each other by exchanging a kiss.


(Looking at the election posters. Posters are hanging from lamp posts and others are posted  on to every available space)   What bores! You know they could get blood from a stone if they had to.


I’m against so much money being spent on campaigning but you can’t tar them all with the same brush.

(A van goes past with its loudspeaker announcing a political meeting)


It seems as if they want to mislead us, rather than keep us informed. I’m not planning to vote. My father used to say that in his day some peasants were Falangists because it was the thing to do, it was the fashion.


Now everything’s different. I’m planning to vote. Possibly for whoever represents the interests  of women and the environment.

They arrive at Sant Gregori, walk through fields   of wheat and marigolds, with the air filled  by the chirping of swifts and swallows which fly happily about, skimming the ears of wheat.

(INSERT: … An image passes through Borja’s head of the two of them kissing and caressing each other. Borja dressed like Richard Gere and Carme like Julia Roberts)

                                                                        CARME (again)

We’ve enjoyed this course.


Yes, we have!


I expect we’ll see each other next session. I do wish things could be different.


What do you mean, different?


We’ll see.


It’s going to be a long summer! I’m afraid I won’t see you again. I don’t want to hurt you either.


It’ll fly past without you noticing.

Everything is calm between them until the moment comes for them to embrace and say goodbye until the next session. Carme goes away and Borja is left distressed.


Borja is walking, alone and disorientated. He sees Laia coming, Borja takes her by the arm, to  her surprise.


Fancy meeting you here! I wanted to talk to someone.


(Laia pulls a face) Me too.


Has something happened to your brother?


Daniel’s been arrested.


What for?


Because he robbed a chemist’s. He was arrested in the “Oliva”.


How did he end up in that mess?


Well, first of all because he’s never got on with my parents. Then, the girl he was going out with  left him, then he failed all his exams and he was chucked out of college, and the bottom line is, he’s  so weak…


But Daniel was doing so well in Primary. And he was a great basketball player in the school team  at Santa Eugenia’s.


Well now you can see how he’s ended up. He always seemed angry, every day he was away from home more and more. When he was arrested my mother had a heart attack and was in hospital for two days.


You must have had a really tough time.


It wasn’t so much me.  My father’s had to take charge of everything. I wasn’t at home. I was with  some friends.  When I got back I found out everything. The doctor says that she’s better but she’s  to take a lot of pills. My father said to me that we hadn’t talked enough to one another and that his great mistake was that he had spent all his time earning money so we wouldn’t have to go without.


Look, do you know what your problem is?  Both you and your brother are a pair of self-indulgent  and spoiled children. My father would never have put up with all that. You really have gone out  of your way to make your parents unhappy.


With friends like you who needs enemies.

 She walks away.


(To himself) That’s all I needed today.                               


Borja and Elisenda are in England.  Elisenda is busy taking notes of the new scenery and is sketching continually. They attend a concert of chamber music in Cambridge. They visit some of the colleges. They rest on the grass by the river Cam which flows gently and soothingly by.


(Looking at a courting couple) When I see a couple kissing  and canoodling like that, I really miss having a boyfriend.


You’re very attractive, you know. If you were Carme I would  kiss you all over.

Borja and Elisenda play light heartedly with one another’s hands.


But I’m not. I can see she’s really got under your skin.


Lets go punting.

They hire a boat, passing under bridges, with the punt swerving from one side of the river to the other, bumping into other punts on the way. Borja digs the pole into the riverbed and falls into the water. They laugh.  They continue on their boat ride until the end when Borja falls in again when he bumps into a wall that he didn’t see. They laugh again.



I never imagined you would be able to get girlfriend so quickly, with you being so timid.

She takes a drink from her pint of heavy.


The truth is she made it easy for me. I’m still too shy to look into a girl’s eyes.  Now I can’t forget her.

(Borja takes a sip from his lager. He is still wet from falling into the river.)


I don’t want you to go from one extreme to another.


What do you mean?


I mean from hardly daring to look at a girl in the face to having your heart broken. I’m just afraid you’re not going to see her again.


Don’t be such a pessimist. Of course I’ll see her in September.


(Stands up) Lets go to the hotel. You’re all wet.


(Firmly) No, you go. I’ll come in a minute.

Elisenda goes off disgusted.


Fisrt day back after summer. Borja walks nervously, looking for Carme. He meets a teacher.


Do you now if we’re going to have Mrs Darnius this year?


I’m sorry, I don’t. I seem to recall having  heard that she asked for a transfer.

(The colour drains from Borja’s face. His world has collapsed.)  


(Overcoming his natural timidity, he heads straight for the college principal’s office)

I’m sorry to trouble you sir, but I was wondering whether Mrs Darnius, my Science teacher… I’ve  still got an assignment for her… she told me to give it to her in September…


(Interrupts Borja) Mrs Darnius is not going to be teaching in the college this year.  She is going   to be off work for some time.

The principal looks at Borja in surprise.


(Nervously) That’s a pity. Both my fellow students and I enjoyed being taught by her.

Borja goes away. He sits down with a group off his fellows students. Rivero comes up to him.


Your studies won’t be so easy this year now you don’t have your beloved Science teacher.

(His jocular manner fails to conceal the mockery in his voice.)


Don’t be so stupid! Stop sniping at me and say what you mean.  Get this straight, nobody helped me.


 But Borja, we all saw how in love you were with the Science teacher.

(The other girls laugh, in on the joke.)  


Look, Rivero, I’ll get good marks without her.

(To the girls) When Rivero isn’t the centre of attention, he gets eaten up with jealousy.


Me, jealous?  Rubbish, man. You sucked up to her shamelessly.

(He speaks with venom and a snigger escapes from him.)    

                                                                       JOSEP RIERA

Come on, calm down, is not such a big deal! Rivero,  you always exaggerate. Besides, you’re one  to talk. What about what you were doing with Mr Martínez?


Why don’t you fuck off and mind your own business.

They continue arguing until the teacher enters. The Science lesson begins. The teacher lays out  an overhead. Borja is distressed and very downcast.

                                                                                                                                                        SC 34 – INSIDE / INSIDE BORJA’S FLAT / NIGHT.


(Dressed in slippers, leggings and cardigan) You’re very pale. What’s the matter?


(In a bad mood) Nothing’s the matter!


Are you depressed? Are you still seeing that teacher? 




Doesn’t she teach you any more?


(Bitterly) No. I haven’t seen her since last summer.


You poor thing. You’ll soon forget her. Look, why don’t we go out and see a film, something funny, or anything else you fancy?


Well… I don’t know… alright. I’ll come.

(He speaks with his eyes half closed)

Elisenda comes up to him, hugs him and they remain in the embrace for an instan . Borja rests  his head on her shoulder and presses his sister to his body, in an  embrace that takes on an erotic element. Borja desires her. Then he pushes her away from him, rather brusquely.

 (To Elisenda) I’m going for a walk before I go to bed.


Borja is playing a games machine.  The first ball drops into place straight away. Between the  second and the third he sees a long queue of cars waiting at the lights and ( FLASHBACK: he  recalls what Carme said to him about pollution) He finishes his Coca-Cola and leaves. In the  streets he seems to see Rivero and Martínez together, he hides round a corner to avoid them,  but when he looks again he sees them speaking to people of questionable character.


Borja and some of his friends pass some young African women, each one accompanied by two  or three children. They are tall and dressed in clothes of striking colours.


Look at the arses on those bitches. Let’s give them a fright.

(Borja shakes his head)

                                                                       JOSEP RIERA

We should help them, not scare them.  They’ve come  from far away countries and have to integrate  with us.


They take our jobs. Immigration should be tightened up. All these wogs and towel-heads make me  sick. They should be thrown out of the country.


I’m not racist with the blacks, but the Arabs are rotten to the core. They don’t work and only cause  problems.


(To Borja) What would you do if your sister was raped or attacked by an immigrant?


Hang on… do you think we Spanards are saints?


What the hell are you going to do about us Spanards? Any problem, we get sent to prison, and that’s it. We have to put up with our own troublemakers. On the other the immigrants aren’t from here so why should we have to put up  with them?

                                                                          JOSEP RIERA                                                  Look, if someone is raped, it doesn’t matter where the rapist come from. According to the Church’s teaching, we’re all equals.


I don’t give a damn what the Church says. What do you expect?  Everyone has their own way of thinking.


Anyone listening to you would think you were a Nazi.


Fine.Those bitches have gone anyway, haven’t they?

(Gesturing to his new motorbike) Well, what do you think of it? Swanky, eh?

                                                                           JOSEP RIERA

And how did you get hold of that?


(To everyone) I’m paying it off with the money from my job at the restaurant.


(Raising his voice) I thought you said they were taking all our jobs?  What are we studying for?


To go on the dole.

                                                                            JOSEP RIERA

(To Rivero) Cars are safer than motorbikes.


Dickhead! Cars crash as well you know.

                                                                         JOSEP RIERA                                                      

Just watch what you say, Rivero. I’ve had as much as I can take from you.


I like cars and so on, but I don’t get carried away.

They are gradually forming a group around Rivero and his motorbike when he starts to talk  about girls.


I expect they check something is missing… (He is almost shouting, arching his eyebrow and his eyes rolling.)   

                                                                            JOSEP RIERA 

You’re a swine… I would chat them up and that…


You’re a fool. That’s all a waste of time. I like them hard as nails, hot and ready to give you a blow job.  Forget about schoolgirls and brains, that just makes them touchy.

                                                                             A CLASSMATE

Well I “pass” as far as girlfriends go.


Me too.


(To Borja) Are you queer, or what?


What, like your Dad, you mean?


I’ve no time for poofs. Some people say that they’re sensitive and intelligent, but I think most of them are wankers and scheming bastards. 

                                                                  A CLASSMATE

I wouldn’t mind getting my end away once in a while.  My girlfriend won’t let me touch her. I think  the best arrangement’s a steady squeeze with plenty on the side.

They all laugh.


Borja and Riera are sitting at the bar. Riera is watching the girls. Borja is downcast.


A penny for your thoughts. Look at me, Michelin man and all that, I can’t be too choosy with the  girls, but look at your luck, man.  Carme…


(Interrupts him) I don’t want to talk about her. I haven’t seen her for ages.

Their conversation founders completely. They go to the toilet where a man makes a pass at them.


While they relieve themselves a man leans over towards their urinals in order to look at their genitals. Borja is not aware of this until Riera gives him a nudge which causes his stream of urine to swerve sideways.

                                                             JOSEP RIERA

(To Borja) Lets get out of here before he tries to give us a hand job.


You can’t move for them!

                                                            JOSEP RIERA

They’re as sex-starved as we are.


Only we’re after women.

                                                              JOSEP RIERA

Did you notice he had breasts?


Come off it!


Man, you’re  in a dream


All I saw was that he had a ponytail and an earring.


These guys are all over you when you least expect it. They’re hard to get rid of and really know  how to take advantage of you if you’re naïve.


The pair meet Laia and a friend of hers.


(To Borja) Having a drink?


We’re pretty much in need of company. 


We’re heading off home, now. I’m tired and it’s late. I’ve got work tomorrow.


(To Laia) Fine. See you around.

The boys try to talk to other girls, but they don’t want to know. Josep takes it badly and starts  drinking heavily, while Borja, who continues his efforts without drinking, has to take him home in a taxi.


Once he has dropped him off, when Borja gets home, he sees the light on in his sister’s bedroom and finds her in a lot of gynaecological pain. Borja comforts her and tells her that he’ll take her to hospital. Elisenda doesn’t want to go. Borja sticks to his guns.


Elisenda is under observation in a hospital. The doctors are discussing the possibility of something serious being the matter. Borja spends hours by her bedside. The woman in the bed  next to Elisenda’s, a  rather older woman, and clearly very ill, moves in her bed and groans. Borja feels pity and repulsion for a woman who is  unlikely to live.  On the other hand his sister’s strange hospital attire allows him to see her breasts and Borja   adjusts his position so he can see them better.


Elisenda is in bed unwell, and very weak. Borja, at her bedside, reads her a poem.

“Eyes of desire, little wings of wetness

that, tremulous, between smiles speak, 

and, tenderly, drown in the path of looks exchanged.

On the surf of a warm breath, the desire

crosses the oleander valleys of my neck

inviting one to drink the emotion of life.”                                                                                                                                          ELISENDA

Will you give me a massage? The almond oil is in the bathroom.


O.K. Whereabouts? You’ve got so many little pots…


(Mockingly) In the bathroom, beside my aquamarine wash bag.

(Undressing while Borja goes to look for the oil)                                                     

Can’t you find it? You can never find anything.


Don’t shout, I’m coming.

When he returns he finds her lying on her stomach with her back bare. While he massages her, Borja once again feels aroused by his sister. His face shows a mixture of satisfaction, fearfulness and doubt.



Why don’t you ask that neighbour of yours to come in and help, then you can get on with looking  after your sister?


But she’s away at the moment. And I…


So you just got your pinny on and the feather duster out! No way would you catch me doing women’s work.            


You’ve gone mad. And mind your own business.


I’ll tell you again. I wouldn’t give the chance to take the mickey.  Waken up and let people help you.  You’re an electrician, not a housewife.


Look, she’s my sister. I’d do it again, right now, if I had to. 


Elisenda, in a very baggy smock and a sleeveless shirt, paints a new picture. She is obviously  weak but enthusiastic and very focused in her work. Borja comes in, bringing her a sandwich and a cup of tea.


(Laughing) Here you are. And I’m not leaving until you’ve eaten it all.


(Without stopping her work) Alright, alright. I’m just coming.

 Borja sees her bare arms, moving  nimbly, he sees the nape of her neck which is also bare, and the picture she is painting.


I like it.

Borja embraces her from behind, she drops her brushes and he gives her a kiss on the back of her neck. She laughs, with a little shiver. Borja repeats the gesture. Elisenda moves away from  him.


Borja, we’re grown-ups now.  We’re not living on the farm anymore. What you want’s impossible.

Borja stands there looking at her with a hurt expression.  She goes on painting. She is confused.


Laia and Borja are at Laia’s. Her home life is complicated. Her parents are in Barcelona today,  with her brother Daniel.  Their flat is big and very light, and airy.  There’s a newspaper on the  table.


Look at this headline -it says that farmers have emptied milk onto the street-   what with the people  there are   starving from hunger.


They must be protesting about something. Agricultural workers are very badly paid. 

(He is drinking an orange juice)


They are always complaining about something.

(She’s drinking a beer and smoking)


Have you any idea how hard life is on a farm?


So, all I know is what I can see from the car window? What I do know is that I don’t like their way of  protesting.


They must have tried other ways but no one paid them any attention.


What do you want me to say? I still don’t agree.

They suddenly fall silent. They both feel attracted to one another. Laia puts her arms round the  back of Borja’s neck, who, to his own surprise, abandons his usual  low spirits and acquiesces  to the embrace. They are so close that Borja can see Laia’s freckles. They start kissing, caressing etc; however Borja is both tense and happy. 

SC 45 – OUTSIDE / IN THE ENTRANCE TO THE FLATS WHERE BORJA LIVES /   DAY    Borja finds a letter from Carme in the letter box. He doesn’t know what to do, whether to open  it or put it in the box for the return mail. He ends up throwing it into the latter. 


Borja, comes into the flat, in a bad mood. Eats hungrily.  Pushes his plate away with food still  on it. Starts to swear.


 He excitedly pulls the letter from the return mail box using his sister’s tweezers. He hurts his  fingers in his efforts to rescue the letter.


Borja reads the letter. Carme opens by telling him that she hasn’t forgotten him, that she has  had serious family problems and very painful times, that she was confused and wanted to get  her life in order, and that things were now all a bit better.


Borja and Carme are in the café in the Vi Square. Borja is very nervous and can hardly dare  look her in the eyes. In a trembling voice, he cannot bring himself to reproach her or ask her  embarrassing questions.


(A glimpse of the disillusion she feels can be seen to cross her face) I got divorced.

                                                                        CARME (again)

I took time off work because it was impossible for me to go on teaching normally while I was going through the divorce.

(Borja listens amazed. He is happy but tries to conceals it.)

                                                                           CARME (again)

I was alone but apparently in a relationship. I felt suffocated. Now I’m free.


I thought your husband was a good man.


He’s not a bad person, but money was more important to him than anyting else.  Including me.


I’m really sorry. I’m on your side and I want to help you.


Thanks. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to see you but I had to go through it all on my own.

Borja nods agreement to what she says. They exchange looks of trust and affection. Borja is about to touch her face but doesn’t dare to.


Towards the end of Spring. The camping site is almost deserted. Outside a Mobilehome Carme  and Borja prepare a salad on a little folding table.


I got married when I was very young without realising what I was getting into. When I married there were lots of people to celebrate, but when we split up, I was on my own.

(She tells her story with her head lowered a little, speaking slowly and swallowing with difficulty)


I don’t like seeing you like this…


The truth is I was surprised as well by the change in my husband. He was obsessed with getting on and climbing the corporate ladder. We always talked about the same thing, boring things or other people. What did I mean to him?


(While putting tomato in the salad) I’m really sorry about everything you’ve been through. I missed you. I love you and without you my life is pointless.


What you say fritens me, Borja. I like having you as a friend but don’t go and fall in love with me. 


It’s just that… It’s just that I…

(Looking at the salad) Is that enough tomato, do you think?


I really appreciate what you’ve said, but I don’t want to be hurt again by anyone, and I wouldn’t  want to hurt you either.


I won’t hurt you.


Borja, life is very complicated, and love is as well.


(Borja persists with the discussion) I believe that love must be very beautiful. And I’m not changing the way I think because it hasn’t worked out for you. Why shouldn’t it work out for us?


What is beautiful is the nightfall.  (As Carme is speaking, Borja becomes increasingly serious. He is afraid.)  Shall we eat? (Together they light a camping gas light)

                                                                CARME (again)

Look at the stars. And the moon. Even the light from the Sant Sebastian lighthouse is   more beautiful than some stages life has to offer.

They eat and do not mention Carme’s ex-husband again. When they finish eating they go for a walk under the pine trees. A short while later Borja is awake looking in the direction where Carme is sleeping. He sees a light from under the door. Borja gets up but does not go over to her door. Then he opens a window and gestures with anger.


Carme, wearing sunglasses, is lying face down on a towel.  Borja is seated next to Carme looking at her body. Borja puts on his walkman, looks towards the village, sees the pallid tourists walking under the pine trees lining  the street.    Then he watches a child chasing a seagull close to the water’s edge, he watches the boats rocking on the water, and all the lovely bodies  of those girls of his age who only have the bottom half of their bikini on: their breasts are beautiful and they have lovely figures.


(Looks at Borja and wakes him from his contemplation) Do you fancy a swim?

He follows Carme to the water’s edge, trying not to step on anyone. Borja drives into the water rather clumsily while  Carme swims very well, and with enjoyment. They go back to their towels and stretch  out, their bodies covered in drops of salty water while Borja looks at the red line made by Carme’s swimsuit on her buttocks. They wrap themselves in their towels, and dry each  other.


 Carme puts cream on Borja, especially his back, which is very red. He is tense.


Carme and Borja, in the car, which is climbing up narrow roads towards Begur and Pals.  They can see enchanting countryside with the sea  forming the background.  They are both happy.


Borja makes a telephone call. Breathes deeply.


(From a kiosk) Listen, Riera. I’m not coming to class because I’m sick.

                                                           JOSEP RIERA (voice off stage)

The usual issues: discrimination against Catalan, University fees…  It won’t resolve anything, of course.

Borja sighs with relief. He smiles.


Located in front of the Devesa (large wood of  enormous trees). Up a small stair. The dance floor, in the centre, is square in shape. At the back is a stage where the orchestra is playing,  while the rest is separated off by rails behind which are areas which are lit up with blue chairs and tables fixed to the ground.  Everything is in semi-darkness without the flashing lights and oppressive discoteque atmosphere. There are two bars against the wall, one on one side, and the other against the wall opposite, lit with lamps inside paper cones. Adults only.

The atmosphere is excellent and there is a live orchestra playing.  Borja and Carme are sitting at one of the tables.  A waitress approaches.


What would you like?


A peach juice with ice.


A rum and coke.(To Borja) Can I have this dance?


You may regret this when I step on your feet. Let’s go.

They dance very close together to Frank Sinatra’s “Cheek to Cheek”. Borja steps on Carme

frequently which she finds funny, and she enjoys being with him. As the evening wears on, the hall fills up. They leave. 


They get in the car, put on a Bruce Springsteen tape, playing “The River”. They head for the old part of Girona. The car climbs the narrow streets close to the Cathedral. Carme drives the car a little too carelessly for Borja’s liking. She stops the car in a rather dark spot close to the  Cathedral. Borja is nervous, but seeks Carme’s gaze. A moment later Carme runs her hand through Borja’s hair.


Are you as frightened as I am?

Borja agrees and they both laugh nervously.

Carme shifts her position to face Borja. She takes Borja’s head in her hands, draws it towards  her and they kiss. Borja acquiesces, they kiss again, and after a minute he puts his fingers in Carme’s hair while she unbuttons his shirt and she runs her hand over his neck, shoulders and  the hairs  on Borja’s chest, who lets her do whatever she wants. Then he unbuttons her blouse.  He is surprised when he sees her taking his hand to guide it into caressing her breast. Outside the car the wind off the Pyranees whistles and the sky is full of stars.

                                                           CARME (again)

Goodness, for someone so shy you’re a terror once you get started!

They laugh again. She caresses his chest. The car rises up unaided. They are both floating when  the car drops noisily. Three thugs lift it up from behind, shake it and smash a window with an  iron bar.


Borja gets out to shout at them when the three of them jump on him and start kicking and punching him, leaving   him lying on the ground with his face covered in blood. They then start   on Carme ; two hold her down while the third rips her clothes off. She screams when she hears the siren of a police car. Carme goes over to Borja and she steps back, shaking with fear when she sees the blood.


They are taken to Accident and Emergency where they receive medical attention.


It’s all over now.


But I’m frightened.


You’ve been very lucky.




You could both be dead by now if it hadn’t been for a neighbour who heard your screams and called the police.


My God! How awful!


As well as that you were lucky there was a police station close by. I don’t know how things would have turned  out otherwise. They must have been hired to assault you…


Borja is at Carme’s who is caring for him tenderly as a mother would.


I’m afraid.


Have you started having nightmares again?


Yes, but that’s not the reason why. I’ve got this suspicion that it wasn’t accidental. Those men followed us.  It seems like someone is out to get us.


But who can want to harm us?


Borja, you must make sure no-one at the College finds out.


Of course, you’re a teacher and I’m…                                                      


(Interrupting him) It’s not because of that. It’s because it could happen again.  They didn’t  achieve their objective.

Carme squats beside him and he embraces her lovingly.


Martínez’ office. Borja is seated opposite him.


I’d like to see my exam paper.  I want to know why I have failed.


If you’ve failed the exam it’s because you deserved to.


I’ve the right to see my exam papers.


(Looking at his watch) Another time.  Right now, young man, I don’t have time.




I don’t know. And how did you get on in Science?

They look at each other with loathing. Borja leaves, slamming the door behind him.



(Sneering at Borja) I thought you said that you were such  a good student? How come you’ve failed  so many subjects?  Now what have you got to say? 


(Trying not to get drawn into an argument with him) Nothing.


So, if you don’t get help, you get nowhere.


Look at who’s talking! If you didn’t work  you would get  nowhere, so I suppose you must be pulling strings, otherwise…


You really haven’t a clue, have you?


What do you mean?


Those with  friends get on, and those that don’t…


You’re involved in some dodgy business, aren’t you?


Oh, up yours. I’m sick of rules and boring farts like you.


Leave me alone, won’t you.

They leave.


Borja and Carme are in the Kurrl Garten Botanic Gardens, sitting together at a table under plane trees and willows. They are having a coffee.  Carme is glancing at a newspaper.


The economic situation won’t improve if business people don’t make bigger profits. After all they  are the ones that have to take the biggest risks.


Don’t try and convince me that everything will improve if the workers’ salaries are kept down.  Besides it’s only natural for them to go on strike if they want to protect their interests.


My parents had a small textile business and because of a prolonged strike, production fell so much  that they had to close down. I don’t trust  trade unionists.


Not all trade unionists are the same.


I know a trade unionist who treats his teaching job as a sinecure. When he has to carry out his trade  union duties, either  he turns up three hours late or he doesn’t come at all.


I’m sure he’s an exception.


Business people have to make a profit…


I don’t like the way you think…


Who are you to tell me how to think?

They are angry.                                                               


Through the window, Borja sees girls walking past wearing very short miniskirts and he clearly  enjoys looking at their legs. Borja is trying to study.  He finds it difficult to concentrate. He is  angry with himself.


Borja, Rivero, Riera, with a group of friends are looking at the results on the notice board.


(Happily) I’ve passed!


(Unenthusiastically, murmuring to himself) Rivero, you need  never put foot inside this place again. You’re brilliant!


(Happy) I’ve passed Spanish. 

(To an imaginary person, making a rude gesture) Go stuff yourself! 

The three move away from the notice board and sit on a bench. 

                                                                           JOSEP RIERA

Congratulations, you guys. Guess what?  I’m thinking of starting a small business.


Don’t get big ideas. The way things are these days, it’s too risky.  The taxes will skupper you.

                                                                          JOSEP RIERA

It’s a way of earning money for myself and not for other people. Besides, if everything goes well,  I’d be creating jobs for others.


I’ve got an interview today for a job with Gruart in the maintenance section.


I had one yesterday. I hope I get the job.  I’m sick of the restaurant.


Carme asks Borja to go with her to the cemetery in All Saints Day. The town is deserted as they  cross Emili Grahit street, towards the Costa Brava Road.  Once in the cemetery, Carme bends down to lay chrysanthemums on her mother’s grave while Borja first looks at the cypresses and then at the long, red clouds. Carme does not cry, he looks at her and notices she looks more cheerful. Carme takes Borja’s hand and tells him that she needs him.


The city’s Sant Narcís celebrations are in full swing. Borja and Carme watch the town from  Carme’s balcony. He starts to caress her and she lets him.  They go into the house and collapse  onto the sofa.  Carme undresses Borja and viceversa.  Borja is aroused by Carme’s physical  charms. They make love.


Borja meets Laia in Santa Eugenia Street.


I can see you’re very happy.


It’s because… you know. I don’t have to do my military service. My name wasn’t called  up.


Lucky you.  Is there something else?


(He falters) Nothing else.


Oh yes? Not that I believe you. I can see from your face you’re in love.


How can you be so sure?


(Jealous) She’s older than you. Be careful.


(Angry) I don’t care about her age or what you think.


Time will tell who’s right.


That’ll definitely be me!

They each continue on their way.


Elisenda, in a white tunic puts a pair of glasses on a Lady in a luxurious and spacious Optician’s with big windows.


(To the custumer) Oh, this pair really suits you!


Do you think so? Would you show me…  

(A huge pile of glasses can be seen on the table)


This last pair suits you perfectly. I don’t have any more models.


I don’t know… this pair seems to dig into me behind my right ear. Aren’t there any others? You don’t stock a wide selection.


Look, if these glasses don’t suit you, we can have them adjusted, but we can’t perform miracles.

(The custumer’s face registers the insult)


Elisenda returns home when she finishes work and meets her brother.


Hi, how was your day?


It was horrible. (She mimics herself, sarcastically: “Madam, don’t worry, we can adjust your  ears”.  “This pair really does suit you, sir, doesn’t it?.  They cover up the wart on your nose…”                                                                        BORJA

Don’t ridicule people like that.  All work requires commitment.


I’m suffocating.


(Warningly) Elisenda, Elisenda, control yourself!


(Sharply) There’s no way I’m going back to the Optician’s.


(With interest) So what are you going to do?


Paint. It’s the only thing I’m happy doing.


But we need money.


We’ll find it. You’ll see.


That’s it. We’ll see. We can’t live on air.


(On hearing the noise of the shower)

What the heck is that?

Borja adopts a non-commital expression as Carme emerges in Elisenda’s bathrobe.

                                                                         ELISENDA (again)

Who are you? And in my bathrobe!


Elisenda, this is Carme, my girlfriend.


I’m sorry, it was all I could find when I came out of the shower.


(In a voice of reproach rather than as a question. Annoyed) Have you two nowhere else to go?


(Gently) Of course we have!  But… this house is mine as well, you know.


It’s nothing to get upset over. It’s not as if we’ve done anything wrong.


Oh, well… I suppose, but you should respect the fact that I live here as well.


You’re not very accommodating towards your brother!


(Pointedly) Darling, I’m only   defending my territory.


(Sorrowfully) I thought you would be different. I’ve made a mistake. I thought you would be tolerant and open-minded.


There are some things which I can’t take, such as you, someone I’ve never met before, having a shower in my house and using my bathrobe.


(She takes off the bathrobe, furious, remaining naked: the camera does not focus completely on  her body) 

There! Keep your blessed bathrobe. Now I hope you’re satisfied.

She goes into the bedroom.


(There are glasses of champagne on the table)

Where did you get these glasses from? I bet you’ve drunk the champagne I was keeping for a friend!


(Sorrowfully) I thought I could use it if I wanted to!


(To Carme) You could have had the decency to leave me some.


Don’t get angry over such little things. I’ll buy you another bottle.


(To Borja, but intended for Carme) And another thing, why don’t you pick on men who are more  your own age, instead of boys?

                                                                            CARME (voice from offstage)

It’s nothing to do with you!


Oh, yes it is. He’s my brother and you’re using him.


(Comes out, dressed) Look, love, I’m not using anybody. We love each other, and that’s all there is to it.


(To Elisenda) What do you think you’re doing?  What right have you to stand judge and jury over  our feelings?


I’m your older sister. And this is my home.


(Furious) Well, you can keep it then! I’ll be back to collect my things.

They leave holding hands, without saying goodbye.

SC 69 A- 

Borja tells Elisenda that he is leaving to live with Carme. Carme and Borja start to live together. Borja proves to be insecure and dependent on Carme. He is also happy.

SC 69 B-

Borja working. He enjoys his work.  He has spent the morning installing gas boilers and radiators; in fixing leaks in the bathroom and the kitchen. That afternoon he starts to intall the  air conditioning.

SC 69 C- 

Borja and Carme, fixing their house.  They are painting and carrying out repairs.

Borja and Carme are finishing painting a wall.


I would put two leather sofas in the sitting-room with a small, round marble-topped table.


That, the big table and the sideboard for the tableclothes and crockery, and the sitting cum dining-room will be just right.


And what about a unit for the T.V.?


I’d rather to put a plant in a plant pot there.


Let’s leave this for later.


(Sitting down, she inspects their handiwork) No, we’ve got to make some changes to this place, to make it ours.


What changes would you like to make?


Well, I don’t know… we should go for a warmer atmosphere. Maybe put down some parquet and an angle-light over a picture.


Fine, that’s a good idea.


Elisenda is putting on her first exhibition of paintings. Elisenda is talking to the director of  the director of the gallery and an art critic.                                                                                                                                                     CRITIC

(To Elisenda) I’m very interested in your subject matter. Where do you get it from?


I don’t know. It’s my world. The things that I think about a lot.


I’m very happy with your work, Elisenda. It’s forceful and original.

Elisenda smiles. Borja walks past. Elisenda draws him into the group.


I’d like to introduce my brother.


Pleased to meet you! (He shakes them by the hand)


He’s the most important part of this world I paint.

Rivero listens to this phrase and comes up putting his arm round Elisenda’s waist.


And what about me, darling?


(Alarmed) This is Rivero, a friend.


(Shakes his head and makes a rude sound with his mouth) And a lover!

 Borja is surprised, the Director and the Critic laugh.


Rivero, come with me.




Come along, I think the wine has gone to your head.


(Laughs) The wine? What are you on about?

The Art Gallery Director and the Critic move away with diplomatic smiles.


(Mutters to himself) The bastard is into everything!

Elisenda is furious.


(To both of them) You pair of imbeciles. You wankers!


But Elisenda, I only wanted to get this bore off your back.


Rivero hasn’t said anything against you. Borja, in the art  world, everything, or nearly everything goes.

                                                                           BORJA (angry)

Well, listen to what I’ve got to say. Stuff  your art world. I’m not part of it. And I’m off home. Of  course,  you could have phoned Carme to invite her. It would have been a good opportunity to make up with her.


(To Rivero) How awful when people stop being themselves so they can be what their partner wants them to be!


(Very angry and sarcastic) That seems a bit like the pot calling the kettle black! You can’t always see what lies in store for you…

Borja without giving either of them time to reply, hurriedly leaves the exhibition.


Borja, tired, reaches his house, takes out his keys but steps back, sits on the pavement and lashes out with his foot in anger.


Borja enters the darkened room trying to make as little noise as possible. The sound of the sleeping Carme breathing can be heard. Borja undresses, places his clothes on a stool, puts  on his pyjamas and gets into bed, curling up close to her.


Borja is mounting panels and putting electric cable into tubes fitted into walls. Afterwards he  puts in fittings such as switches, sockets, a bell. He finishes his work and starts to put his tools away.


Borja arrives home and Carme insists on running him a bath with   relaxing herbal infusions.


(Surprising him) You’ve stopped me feeling as if my life was over.


I’m amazed by you saying that, and it makes me happy.

Carme takes off his clothes. When he is in the water she busies herself washing him. Once Borja feels better, Carme takes off her clothes and gets into the water. They scrub each other’s bodies, dry one another, apply lotions, and kiss each other stretched out on the bed.  Borja buries his face in Carme’s breasts.  She caresses his legs with kisses. Music.  Rapid tumult of movement in time to the music, which is in keeping with the rhythm of the couple’s lovemaking.


Borja appears in the kitchen with his face full of sleep. He opens the fridge and takes food out.


(Reflects to himself) Oh, Elisenda, you are a fool!


(Appears half-dressed with her face sleepy) Are you talking to yourself? I heard you. I’m hungry  as well. Who’s a fool?

They sit down and eat.


Rivero was with Elisenda on the opening day of her exhibition. He became offensive, we argued and, do you know what my sister did?  She backed him up. That Rivero is a bastard.


He was already   offensive when he was at the College.


Well, you can’t imagine what he’s like now. I don’t know what Elisenda sees in him.


Your sister is grown-up now. She’s trying out new things. Don’t be obsessed.


It’s just we’ve always been so close. I’m  all the family she’s got.

Carme shrugs her shoulders. Standing up, they continue eating the rest of the food from the day before. Borja serves her a glass of wine.                                                                                       SC 76 – INSIDE / ELISENDA’S FLAT / DAY

Elisenda is cleaning the house which is very untidy. Someone is at the door, she opens it and  is surprised to see Rivero.


Yes, it’s me. I’m not a ghost. Can I come in?

Elisenda lets him in. Rivero looks around, nosily.

                                                                    RIVERO (again)

Elisenda, I’ve come because… because…  I want to apologise about what happened the other day.


I was worse. I lost my temper with my brother.


Don’t blame yourself. Borja got very stroppy.


That’s not it. The thing is, he really loves me. And he’s the only family I’ve got.


Look, to show there’s no ill-feeling between us, I’ve come to offer my services. Do you need any  help?


(Points to a broken window) Yes, I do. Look over there.

 Rivero freezes when he sees all the work  that needs to be done.

Elisenda brings him the toolbox. Rivero tries to fix the window, but he is very clumsy. They both laugh.


I don’t know what you see in my company. We’re so different.


You’re not at all the way society would have us be. That’s why I enjoy your company.


You’re a strange girl. But I like you.  Come over here.

 Elisenda goes over to him. Rivero puts down his tools and lifts her up bodily. Clapsed in each  other’s embrace they almost fall over. They laugh. They kiss each other sensually.


There’s a demostration against nuclear power stations. A busy street full of people with banners, journalists, cameras. People chant anti-nuclear slogans. Borja and Carme are in a side street. 


(Doubtful) I’ve never been on a demo before.


We should be socially aware and more politically active.


Do you think this will achieve anything?


Don’t you realise that it’s an ever more real danger? Look what happened at Chernobil.


Do you think a demostration will change what Governments do?


Not always, but occasionally it makes them nervous when there’s enough pressure put on them.


Yes, maybe so…


One demo isn’t enough, on its own. We have to keep up the struggle, like GREENPEACE does.


One thing’s for sure. Politicians have the unfortunate habit of taking action only after a tragedy has  happened.


That’s true. Deaths from cancer and leukaemia are increasing in Russia.

The demonstration proceeds uneventfully along the streets with people shouting slogans in favour of dismantling nuclear power stations. Although sceptical, Borja is happy to be with Carme.


Borja appears cleaning the floor.  He does it quickly, without squeezing out the mop properly so the floor ends up wet and slippy, with too much water on it.


(Sorrowfully) Put newspapers down or it’ll get all muddy.


(A bit annoyed) You’re never happy with me. I don’t see the point in doing things when  you go  and do them again.


You don’t do things properly because you’re not interested.


That’s not true. Besides, everyone’s better at some things than others.                                                                                                                       CARME

If something isn’t done properly, it just has to be done again. You have to learn to take responsability, to be self-sufficient.


(He doesn’t understand her, but as on other occasions, he prefers to drop the subject rather than  continue with the argument) Well, now we’re arguing, why don’t we just get married?


Are you serious?


I would like to get married.


(Reproaches him kindly) I thought you’d got over your religious past.


(Pointedly) I don’t go to church any more.   


Borja is working away at the wiring in the foundations of a new building. He is taking great  care with the copper cables and he has to make sure the welding is strong. (INSERT: Borja remembers making love with Carme). He has to use the pick and the shovel to prepare the ground chemically. He receives a call from Carme informing him that she is pregnant and Borja  is surprised; he is both happy and very excited.


Carme is seven months pregnant. Borja is listening to the baby kicking and he is happy and looking forward to the birth of their child.


Carme is in labour on the bed in the Labour Room.  Borja takes Carme’s hand, and with his other hand he lifts up her head, speaking to her tenderly. Meanwhile the doctors are monitoring  the foetal heartbeat and maternal blood pressure. The   birth is slow.  When the moment of truth  comes, the intensity and nervousness increase.  First the head appears facing upwards and they  ease it out, then they ease out the shoulders so that they emerge in the same position as the head. Once the baby is out, they place her with her birth cord hanging on Carme’s stomach, and  then Carme gently strokes the baby which is still all wet from the amniotic fluid, and the baby  settles. Borja is deeply moved by what he has just experienced.


Borja is feeding Isabel, who is nearly a year old, and who throws the food on the floor. Borja  is at the end of his tether.  Carme comes in. She kisses Isabel and Borja. She laughs when she sees what the baby is doing.


(Puts her things down and sits beside them)

Borja, I would like Elisenda to come on Isabel’s birthday.


I don’t know, do you think she’ll come?


She is her niece, and besides, she likes children, although she hasn’t come to see her much.


Yes, yes, alright…  I find it hurtful, but I understand her.


You’re always defending her. Why don’t you go and see her and have a chat with her?


I’ll do that, gladly.


(Gently) I knew you would.


Borja is in the room which serves as the studio and is full of drawings, junk and pots of paint. Elisenda is sketching on a canvas on which appears the naked body of a woman lying on her  side, with a dove flying up from her belly. The painting is in blue on a white background.


(Gazing at it) It’s sad how artists live so badly and then their paintings are sold for exhorbitant prices.


That only happens to a very few painters. The rest never manage to sell their sellings.

(Pause. Elisenda continues painting)


Why don’t you visit us more often? Are you angry with us?


No. I’m pregnant.


You’re joking.


No, I’m not. I really am!


You must be happy. And who is the father?


I’m not sure. I think it may be Rivero, which worries me.




Why not? If you can live with the woman you love and have children etc. , why can’t I?  And you still  have the nerve to ask me if I’m angry with you.


We always end up discussing Carme.


The truth is I’m jealous of your finding hapiness with Carme and now with the baby. I feel hurt  by the distance that has grown between us.


Everything’s the same as it always was between us.


That’s not true. I realise that sooner or later it had to happen, but don’t worry. I’ll come to Isabel’s  birthday party.


Isabel, wearing a pale blue dress is seated playing in her playpen, after a short time she gets up and then sits down again.  Elisenda makes a quick sketch of her while she plays and Borja lays the big table for dinner. After a while Carme arrives. She greets everyone after giving the baby a kiss. When she reaches the dining-room she finds Elisenda playing with the baby and exciting her too much which does not please  the mother, who says nothing, however.


Why these curtains?  I liked the others better.


(Feigning deafness) The baby’s already eaten. She must be wondering what’s going   on today with all of this and us eating so late and her still up.


I would find it more normal if she was at the nursery because today they would have put a little party on for her and she would have felt like a queen.


She’ll go next year.

Borja is concerned about what Elisenda will say next. A certain tension can be seen in the way he looks at them and in how he eats.

They finish their meal, take out the cake and Isabel, with everyone else, blows out the simple candle. She laughs. She is given a rag doll. She is happy.


Congratulations, Borja told me everything. How are you?  Have you been to the gynaecologist yet. I can recommend you a very good one.


(A little brusquely) Please don’t look at me like that. You’re making me nervous.


I’m looking at you normally and don’t make things up.


I feel like you want to condemn me to death. Besides, there’s no need to go to the trouble of taking me to a gynaecologist because I had an abortion when I found out the father was Rivero.


(Taken aback, and freezing) An abortion! But Elisenda, you could have said something earlier, couldn’t you?


Oh, leave me alone. Don’t you think I’ve got enough problems?

Elisenda gets up and goes off to play with Isabel.


(To Carme) Isn’t she a bit thin?




You shouldn’t cosset her so much. Make her eat more.


You don’t exactly have a wide experience of children, do you?


Ask any paediatrician.


Well, thanks for the advice, anyway, but it’s nothing to do with you.                                                                                                                          BORJA

She’ll fill out bit by bit.


If you fancy some time off, why don’t you let me know and I’ll babysit for you?


Well… Actually, that’s not a bad idea, is it, Carme?


Well, I’m a bit taken aback, if you must know.


This is getting beyond a joke. (Looks Carme in the face) Beside, the child has to get to know people apart from her parents.


O.K. We’ll take up your offer.

Elisenda is holding the baby in her arms. Borja looks at the three of them, with satisfaction. 


The night Borja and Carme go out, they bump into Rivero and Martínez on their way home.


(Energetically) Well, well… The happy couple.

Martínez’ mouth turns down in two small creases at the corners and his upper lip is narrow and  does not turn outwards


(To Rivero and Martínez) We’re in a hurry.

(To Carme) Lets go!     


Why? Wouldn’t you like to come for a drink with us?  


We’re collegues.  You two were students together and Carme and I… don’t remember Carme?

Carme is furious. She takes Borja by the arm and gestures to him that they leave.


We’re not at the College any more. You can’t bully me now, Martínez. If you meddle with her. I  swear I’ll…


Come on, Borja!


You watch your step with us, mate.

Borja takes Carme by the arm and they go off.


(Shouting after her) Carme Darnius, you and I are going to meet again!

Borja makes to go back after him, but Carme stops him.


(To Borja)    Leave him. He’s dangerous. Really, he is, Borja.

SC 85 – INSIDE / HOUSE / NIGHT                           

They find Elisenda with Isabel asleep on top of the sofa.


She didn’t want to go to her cot alone. She cried and cried, but she’ll get used to me. It was her  first time with me.


(To Elisenda) We bumped into Rivero. Are you still seeing him?

Elisenda remains silent.

                                                                  BORJA (again)

Think about what you’re doing!


I am!


He’s always involved in some dirty business, Elisenda. I’ve known him for a long time.


What can I do about it?  That’s just the way he is.


(Insistent) He’s a very dodgy character.


(She defends herself, seeing that she is under attack) Someone must be manipulating him.  Besides, and I wouldn’t say this to anyone else, but there are not many men as good in bed as he is.


Is he so good it’s worth running the risk of moving in such sordid and dangerous circles?


Alright! Alright! I am being  very careful, you know.

(She gives them a drawing she has made of the baby sleeping. She gets ready to leave.)


I’ll come with you.


Borja and Elisenda walking.


(Warns her) Watch what you do!


(Annoyed and energetically) And don’t you be so hen-pecked by Carme!


Try to make your peace with Carme. She does appreciate you, even though you don’t think so.

They say goodbye each other.  



(To Carme) What exactly was there going on between you and Martínez?


Nothing. Nothing important.


(Persevering) Did you know him well?


Actually, yes, the truth is we went out together.


Now that is a surprise.


Now I realise he’s a nasty  character but at the beginning he was good fun.


I get the impression you were very much on the look -out for company so you wouldn’t have to be  with your bore of a husband.


Look, you’re not gaining anything   from raking all this up. O.K., he was fun, but he got ever more selfish and was always out for himself. 


(Insistent) Did you fall in love with him?


(Mimics Borja’s question in a voice with a hint of mockery) Did you fall in love? You do come up with them all!  Of course not!


Carme takes her child to the specialist who puts her on a special diet of lactose-free milk, with   all the food boiled or grilled, and the only fruit being apples and bananas. 


Carme arrives home. Borja is putting up a new lamp and is up the ladder.




Do you like it?


Where’s Isabel?


I asked Elisenda to take her out so I could get on with this.


Whaaat? Took her out? Where?


I don’t know where they’ve gone.


(Screams) You’re so irresponsible!


How come? Harping on about this again, are we? Elisenda is very responsible. She looked after  me.


(furious) That was then. Now she hangs out with a different class of person. What if they’re with them now? 

Borja gets down from the ladder.


Don’t get like that. Do you want me to go and look for her?


I’m afraid, Borja. Martínez hates me, hates you and could make Isabel pay for it.


Don’t be over-dramatic!


I don’t even want my daughter to be  near those people. If Elisenda wants to see her, it will be within these four walls or with us there.




I’m serious. Next time she comes I’ll take her with me.


Carme and Borja are at their daughter’s bedside looking sad and serious. Isabel is being fed intravenously through a needle inserted closed to her wrist. She is lying on the bed with her arm immobilised by a small wooden board. The doctor appears.


Your daughter has gastroenteritis. The diarrheoa has made her dehydrated.

Carme and Borja are very distressed because of the alarming frequency with which their daughter suffers from this illness.


The child plays and runs about the house, touching everything. Borja is getting ready to feed her. He turns his head and can see all of the kitchen with Carme there. With a resigned gesture, he gazes at her.    


(Bored) Damn! I’m fed up with having to follow this diet.


(Violently) I’m fed up as well with this life, but we have to do everything we can for the child.


Actually, you do nothing.


I’ve given up lots of things as well.


Such as?


My friends, my ambitions.


We didn’t expect this to happen. Maybe she gets her allergies from you.


Don’t even think it. So now it’s my fault?

Driven to desperation he kicks the table and a glass fish-tank falls to the floor where the fish die.  Isabel bursts into tears.

                                                           BORJA (again)

Now look what you’ve done with your argumentativeness…

Carme remains silent.   


Lying in bed after making love, Carme tells him a story about her with her mother.


(Tired of speaking) Now tell me about your mother. You never speak of her.


I’m ashamed to talk about my mother because it doesn’t give me the same pleasure it gives you.  Being a peasant woman was a punishment for my mother. She had to do the laundry by hand in a stream, beating each piece of a laundry on a rock. And the poor woman took  her frustrations out on us.


(Sceptically) I’m afraid the same thing might happen to me, that is, be unhappy and make my daughter unhappy.


Look, apart from the problem of Isabel, we are much luckier.                                                        SC 93 – INSIDE / FURTHER EDUCATION COLLEGE / DAY

Carme goes to the toilet and hears the voices of Martínez and Rivero from the adjoining toilet.

                                                              MARTINEZ (voice offstage)

Did anyone see you? Did you keep a good look out?

This phrase sounds very familiar to Carme, whose heart starts beating fast.

                                                               MARTINEZ (voice offstage)

(Insistently) Are you sure no one saw you?

Martínez turns on the tap so no one can hear him.


I’m sure. (He hands him a small package)


Come on, lets get down to business. Look, the day after tomorrow I’ll bring you the stuff you have  to distribute. We’ll meet here and you bring me the money.

At this point he smells Carme’s perfume, which he knows only too well.

                                                                   MARTÍNEZ (again)

That perfume…           




That bitch can’t be very far away.


Martínez and Carme meet.


What’s the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?


No reason.


Why do you get in my way like this when you’ve already told me that you don’t want to have anything to do with me? You’re playing with fire.


I’m not frightened by your threats. Besides, I’ve other problems to worry about.


Carme and Borja chat after breakfast.


Carme, I think it would be an idea for my sister to come and look after Isabel for a few days while  we go on a small trip.  You’re very tense and we need to be on our own.


You know I don’t like the company your sister keeps.


But you’ve seen how it hasn’t led to any problems. Elisenda is very responsible. And Isabel adores her.


But you must speak to your sister and explain all about Isabel’s diet and above all that she must  keep Isabel away from her friends.


Holding hands, they walk along streets lined by historical houses.


I can’t stop thinking about Isabel. Do you think she’ll be alright?


We phoned yesterday. I’m sure Elisenda is taking good care of her.


Borja, why are you so dependent on your sister? It seems you can’t live without her.


Don’t say that or you’ll hurt me. Besides, your family offer to help us even less.


Yes, that’s true. I can’t rely on my sister at all.


Elisenda is going through a rough patch, but she’s a marvellous person.


Would you  go so far as to say that you’re in love with her?


Of course I’m not. And what if I was?


You’d have to choose between us.


Don’t say such stupid things.  You never used to talk like this.


 Living with a sick child is very difficult. It’s the last thing we expected.


As soon as we get back, we’ll phone them again.


They each go to different places in the room: she stays on the sofa. Borja comes into the room, opens the window and closes it again because of the cold. He drops onto the bed, confused. He  falls asleep. When he wakes up, he goes over to the sofa. Carme isn’t there, but he finds a note  from her which tells him that she has gone out for a walk to see the Cathedral again. Borja takes this opportunity to make a phonecall to his sister from their room  to find out how his daughter  is getting on.


Elisenda, how are things going?

                                                           A WOMAN’S VOICE  ( offstage)

I’m not Elisenda.


(Taken aback) I must have dialled the wrong number…

                                                         A WOMAN’S VOICE (offstage)

No, you haven’t got the wrong number.


Who are you? What are you doing in my house? Where are my sister and my daughter?

                                                         A WOMAN’S VOICE (offstage)

Look, Elisenda has had to go out on some business. I don’t know what it’s about. She asked me to  look after the child. Don’t worry.


O.K. Please take good care of the child.

                                                        A WOMAN’S VOICE (offstage)

Don’t worry.

Borja is annoyed with his sister, but thankfully it wasn’t Carme who took the call, he says to himself, putting his hands to his face. Borja speaks to himself out loud, “I wonder where she had to go. I don’t understand   why she   took on the responsibility, only to let us down!”


Borja is looking for Carme. He gets into a bus to go to the city centre, gets off  at the wrong stop, and gets onto another. He has to get off   because it is now  time for nearly all the buses to stop for the night. He takes a taxi which takes him to near the Cathedral. Finally he takes a walk only around the old part of the city as the rain lightly drizzles. He doesn’t find her.  He returns, frustrated, to  the hotel.


The receptionist doesn’t have a message for him. Nor is the key to the room there. He goes upstairs.


(Embraces her) Where were you? You gave me a fright.


There’s no need to get like that!

Carme takes off her wet dress and stands there in bra and pants. Borja can’t resist the urge to touch  her legs.


I’m sorry. I’ve been so upset!

Carme gives him an explanation.



When I reached the old part of the city, I noticed that two men were following me.  I went into a  large department store and locked myself in the toilets for some time. I think I managed to throw  them off.  Then I was caught by the rain and I got a bit lost and that’s why I was so long getting back to the hotel.

They embrace.                                                       



You could have telephoned.


(Naked, although her body  is not seen completely, and about to get into the shower) I didn’t have  any money with me.

Meanwhile Borja drops onto the sofa, tired out. He doesn’t want to say anything to her about the  disappointing phone call home when he asked about their daughter, unless she asks him specifically. Carme comes out of the shower drying herself in front of Borja who gets up and takes  hold of her round her waist. The end up making love on the bed.


They return home via the Zaragoza and Lérida motorway. They come  off  the motorway. Along  a local road in the Lérida province the oil level warning light on the car’s control panel lights up. They stop the car and park on the hard shoulder. Borja opens the bonnet. He takes out the oil-stick and  realises that the oil-level   is below the minimun level. He bends down to see under the car, and finds  a patch of oil and a streak line.


How strange!  I checked it before we set out!


What shall we do?


I can’t sort it out.   We’ll have to find a call box and phone for help.


(Annoyed, gets out of the car) That’s the last thing we needed!

Borja doesn’t answer.

They walk along and it starts to rain. Borja is hit on the back of his neck by a stone.


My God, what was that?


What was what?

Three men in balaclavas can be seen.

                                                                 CARME (again)

(Shouts) Borja!  Run!

The three men pursue them.  They catch them. They take hold of Carme. They threaten them   by holding knives to their necks. One of the assailants  strikes Borja on the head and falls to the  ground. From the ground, as one of their attackers points a gun at him, he can see Carme being  raped by the other two. She puts up a struggle, one of the men strikes her violently and she   loses  consciousness. In the midst of the confusion Borja gets up and he strikes one of the men with a  rock and leaves him lying on the ground. The other two flee. Borja goes over to Carme, he helps her but realises that her body is lying in blood. He weeps amidst the blood and rain. The lights of  a car can be seen.      


Carme is in Intensive Care. Borja can see the doctors and nurses doing everything possible to save her. He is overcome with grief.  He is approached by a plain clothes detective.


Excuse me, I don’t know if you feel able to speak to me about what happened.


Are you going to find them?


We will do what we can. I’m Inspector Hernández.


Carme… (His eyes fill with tears) I don’t know, I don’t know what happened.  Everything happened so quickly.


Leave it for now. Of course, as soon as we have information, we’ll take action immediately.


I’ve already told everything to the other policeman. There were three of them. One held a knife to  me and the others…


(Interrupts) The one who held the knife to you, is he the one who was killed?

Borja nods.

                                                                  POLICEMAN (continues)

What were the circumstances in which you struck him with the rock?


They raped my wife in front of me. Maybe they’ve killed her and you question me like that? I’ll  only speak with a lawyer present.

The policeman, ashamed, lowers his gaze.


I understand. Accept my apology.  This is not the proper time for this.

A doctor arrives.


Mr Pla, I need to speak to you…      


Borja in front of Carme’s grave. He lays down white flowers.


(Speaks to himself) I miss you so much!


Borja, looking exhausted, is sitting in a chair beside the child’s bed.  He reads her a story.  The child is nearly asleep with Borja’s hand held in hers.

Borja leaves the room.


Borja leaves Isabel’s room and sits down at the table which has been laid. Elisenda comes in with  a large platter of food. Without speaking, they sadly begin to eat…


Borja and Elisenda can be seen on Sultana Farm (it should be located anywhere with wheat fields,  fields with poppies,   woods of poplar trees) half  an hour before the sun sets one day in May, playing at hide-and-seek. Borja, aged nine and in short trousers, hides by lying flat on the ground in the middle of a field of poppies. Elisenda runs and looks for him in the wheat gilded by the sun but she does not find him. She climbs a nearby tree but she does not find him there either.


I can’t find you, where’ve you hidden yourself?

                                                             BORJA (offstage)

Cooee! You won’t find me!

That’s enough for Elisenda to locate him. After a minute she has found him. They roll and tumble through the red and green of the countryside. They get up with their hair all messed and their clothes stained from the poppies.


Elisenda bathes Isabel who plays continually with the water making puddles on the floor.


(Gently, but firmly) Let’s dry you now! It’s time to go to sleep.


I want to see Daddy.


He’ll be late back, as always… Besides, you’ve got to go to school tomorrow.


Elisenda is watching T.V.  When Borja arrives.


(Resentful) You’re always back late. You’re the last word.  What were you doing till this hour?


(Gently) What do you think I was doing? I was working…


(Reproachful) At this time?


(Reveals details) I’m… I’m working on the investigation.


(With intention) Ah, that’s it? Is it more important to know who killed Carme than to attend to your daughter?


There’s no need to get so upset.  Don’t exaggerate!


Isabel wants you. She asks for you.


Fine, fine.  I’m here now for her… (pause) Are you sure you’re not seeing Rivero?


He’s disappeared. Why don’t you find out where he is?


It is summer. The scene opens on a beach close to S’Agaró.  Elisenda and Isabel are walking  along the water’s edge where the surf is breaking. They are clearly happy throwing water at each  other. Borja is lying on his towel on a rock.  He watches them and feels happy. However when  he looks at the sea he remembers…


Borja recalls his time at the beach at Llafranch with Carme: he can see Carme’s body coming out  of the water dressed in her bikini radiant with happiness and throwing water at Borja.

Carme walks along the water’s edge with Isabel. They both  walk with the same rhythm and in an  identical way. Borja smiles. Carme’s image mixes with Elisenda’s, who, on the other hand, is very different from Isabel.


One Sunday Borja is walking with Isabel under the trees in the central park.


(When tears start to fill his eyes) Off you go and play.


Go and play?… (Pause) What’s the matter?


Nothing, nothing. Look at those swings!  Off  you go and play and I’ll wait for you here on this bench.

He watches her and weeps. The child returns.


Daddy, I want to see Mummy as well.

Borja embraces her.                               


Borja starts the car, and drives at top speed along the motorway gripping the steering wheel. He overtakes lots of cars, and continues at high speed till he reaches the place where Carme died.

He goes to a service station. The female attendant fills the tank of his car.


Fill it up. (Pause) There was a strange incident here, wasn’t there? A murder?


I don’t want any trouble.


She was my wife. We had a daughter.


The only thing people have mentioned is that one of the assailants walked with a slight limp.


Do you know anyone I could speak to?

(Borja showes her a note)


No, it’s not because of that. It’s just I don’t know anything else. That’s the truth.

Borja starts the car and parks in the same place where Carme was killed. He cries angrily.


One afternoon when he is working on an electrical job (laying cables, mounting switches and boilers) Borja has a dizzy attack, loses control and falls to the ground.


Elisenda is alarmed when at midnight she sees Borja struggle for breath with foam coming from the corners of his mouth while he sleeps. Elisenda gives him more medication.


Borja is meeting with the Company director.

                                                             COMPANY  DIRECTOR

You have always been a loyal and conscientious worker… (the director speaks with the false kindness which some people adopt when they have bad news to deliver). As I said, you have always been a conscientious worker, however, Management think it better that you think   about your future.


(Suspicious of such false kindness). I don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me! 

                                                             COMPANY DIRECTOR

Look, the best thing for both sides is that you stop working as an electrician because you could  have another  accident  and die.


(Angry) You want to sack me? Don’t I do my work well?

                                                              COMPANY DIRECTOR

It’s not that!


What is it, then!

                                                                COMPANY DIRECTOR

Will you please listen!


Sacking me is a dirty trick. I need the money for my family. I have a little girl.

                                                                COMPANY DIRECTOR

If you leave your work, the company will make you a redundancy payment.


(He realises intuitively that arguing will get him nowhere)    Alright.

Borja leaves devestated.


Borja, who has a lot of free time, is making enquires about people he suspects to be involved in  Carme’s death.  He starts to spy on Rivero. He waits for him outside his house, he follows him until he goes into business premses near Vilablareix, once past the South Girona slip-road onto the motorway. That afternoon, he is back on his trail. Once the workers have left he speaks with the head of personnel.

                                                     HEAD OF PERSONNEL

(Suspicious) With regard to your request, we don’t usually pass that information to anyone who is not authorised.


I understand. But this is a matter of utmost importance to my family and myself.

                                                      HEAD OF PERSONNEL

I don’t know what to say. Fine. But not a word to anyone. This could create problems for me with  Management.


Don’t worry! Trust  me.

Borja gives him money.

                                                   HEAD OF PERSONNEL

What dates are you interested in?


Around the last week of April?

                                                   HEAD OF PERSONNEL

Rivero didn’t come to work on the 23th, 24th, 25th and 26th of April. Here are his medical lines.

Borja gives his thanks and  says goodbye. 


With a pile of folded washing, Elisenda passes in front of her brother, who is seated on the sofa. Signs of tension simmer beneath Borja’s apparent tranquillity.


(Sceptically) Rivero doesn’t seem like a murderer.


Maybe he’s not a murderer but his days off coincide with the murder.


(Annoyed) And what are you going to do?


The next step is speak with Laia’s brother.


Do you think it’s worth it?


The truth is I don’t know. Perhaps you’re right and I should drop the whole matter. But I’m going  to persist for a bit longer. And Laia’s brother may clear up some things for me.


Don’t you think Isabel needs you more?


Give me time.



Your daughter seems very distracted. She only focuses on the details of my explanations.


(Nods) I understand.


She doesn’t like to write much. She prefers talking and this often leads to her interrupting the lesson with impertinent remarks.


She’s nervous. She’s the same at home.


She gets impatient when she has to listen to an explanation of any length (Pause). Look, at times  she gives me the impression that she is more interested in adults’ problems rather than those of her  own age.


Yes. She has had a difficult childhood. Her mother was killed and things have always gone against her.


As well as being absent-minded, she is becoming very cheeky.


(Murmers aloud) Perhaps I don’t spend enough time with her.


Things can’t go on like this…

The meeting ends and Borja leaves crushed by yet another problem.


Daniel, ex-junkie and Laia’s brother, and Borja meet in a bar in Pedret from which Rivero’s  house can be seen.


I know it must be horrible to have to relive that time when you were hooked on drugs.


It was terrible.


All I want is for you to help me identify me one of the people that I believe used to sell you drugs.

(While they talk, they do not see Rivero approach them)

Do you remember that guy who had a slight limp?


That bastard is Rivero. He had quite a talent for selling drugs.


(Patting Borja on the shoulder)    What serious faces! How are things, you guys?  Don’t I look  cool today?


We’re not interested in your stupid remarks. Our faces reflect the way we feel.

(Borja looks at Rivero with hatred. Rivero lowers his gaze)


(To Daniel) I’ve got stuff that’s just arrived. Top quality.


I’m not interested. Because of people like you, there are people in a very bad way. Why don’t you  stick it up arse and clear off.

(Rivero goes away)


(Shouts after him) I won’t stop until Carme’s murderers are locked up.


If I were you, there are some places I wouldn’t go near. They are too violent.


And what would you do, Daniel?


What? Do you mean, if I were in your place?


No, I mean what would you do in your position.

(Daniel looks at Borja as if saying “That is the last thing I expected!”)


Do you mean you’re going to get mixed up with drugs, criminals, and all that shit so as to confront  Martínez? Don’t even consider it.


Borja arrives and finds Rivero in his sister’s bedroom.


Hi, Borja! What wind blew you in?


What are you doing here?


Borja, this is my house as well, you know.


Elisenda, tell this creep to clear off.


Be realistic! She wants me to stay here.

(Borja throws him a sarcastic look as if to say “you’re the joker in the pack!”)


You’ll pay me for this, you bastard!


(With an expression as if saying I can do what I want when I want)

Have you got a problem with me?


You know full well.  And I’m not the kind to stand with my arms folded after my nearest and dearest has been murdered.


I don’t give a fig what you do or think.. I did nothing to you. And don’t spy on me.


We’ll see. (He makes to leave) I’ll leave you on your own.


(Angrily) Look mate, why don’t you spend your time on something more profitable, like looking  for work or getting a bird. (Threatening) I won’t tell you again. Clear off!

He punches the wall twice, runs off and punches the wall hard outside on the stair.


Borja as a youth, Rivero, Mas, Riera and other companions are eating slices of pizza. As they are  about to go into a pub, a red sports car appears.


That’s Martínez’ car.

                                                           JOSEP RIERA

But he always walks to the college!


He’s a guy who’s totally different outside the college from what he is inside.


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde!

They go into the pub. They come out of the pub. They are all drunk except Borja. Mas is covered  in bruises and his clothes are in disarray.


You fool, Mas! Why the hell did you get involved in the fight when it had nothing to do with you? 


All I know is that someone trod on my foot… I honestly don’t know how I got involved.


I don’t know. I don’t know. You’re an imbecile!


Before I knew it. I was throwing punches left and right. And receiving them! Christ!

Borja sees a young woman who is looking at him intensely as if she wants to tell him something  he can’t decipher. She looks at him again and when she goes to speak to him, a man with his  face well covered up forces her to walk towards the red car which drives off making the tyres  squeal on the asphalt. Borja moves away from the group and follows the direction of the car.  When he turns into the next street, he finds a body thrown onto the road, he goes towards it and  in the light from the street lamp he sees that it is the girl from before.


Are you alright?


Who are you?


Can I help you?


(Angry) Shut up and mind your own business. The bastard threw me out of his car when it was going fast.


But, why?


I don’t know and it’s better you don’t get involved. Just help me get to a taxi.


Do you want me to come with you?

The girl tells him no, but she is unable to walk. Borja stops a taxi and they get in.   


Borja pulls an anxious face. He  presses with his finger a small beige coloured button next to the  name: Susi Trias. 

Close-up of the entry phone.


Who is it?

Borja stoops to speak into the entry phone.


I’m Borja, a friend of yours from  Girona… Yours neighbours gave me your address.

                                                       SUSI (voice offstage)

From  Girona? I don’t know anyone there.


(Insistent) You do know me. Besides, you’ve no reason to be afraid of anything.  Don’t you remember  the guy who found you the day you were dumped out of the red car? That’s me.


(Doubtfully) Alright, come in.

The buzzer sounds, opening the main door to the flats.


Borja closes the lift door. He walks along the corridor and finds the door to Susi’s flat. He rings the bell. The door opens and Susi appears, dressed in the clothes she wears around the house.



Hello, I’m sorry to bother you like this…

Susi looks over Borja’s shoulder, fearfully.

                                                      BORJA (again)

There’s no one with me. Can I come in?


Well hurry up and come in.

She closes the door with a bang.

                                                      SUSI (again)

What have you come about?


I think we have an enemy in common: Martínez. 


Look,  I don’t want to know anything about that man.


So why were you with him?


That’s got nothing to do with you.  All I want to know about him is  that he’s at the other  end of the world. And perhaps not even that.


He can’t go away because he’s in prison.


It’s strange how a big fish in the drug world gets caught. And if he’s in jail now, what would you want  with him?                             


I think he’s something to do with my wife’s death.


Look, I’ve nothing to do with your wife’s death.


It’s not that. He wasn’t directly responsible -he hired her killer. Who is Martínez?


He’s a murderer capable of killing a teacher off work through illness.  The real Martínez  was a man about his age, without a family, who looked very like him. Besides he had plastic surgery done and he was really good at forging signatures.


How did he manage to go back to work as a teacher if the real Martínez was dead?


He didn’t do anything. Everyone believed he was the previous teacher. No one rumbled  him.


Except Carme. She knew! And he was blackmailing her!


And that’s why he had to kill her. (She lights a cigarette and draws on it heavily. She continues speaking). Have you got any children? Have you got money to finance the investigation? You can buy everyone with money.


Isabel arrives.Elisenda is sitting on the sofa having a drink with Rivero. 


Where’s my dad?


Your father’s the limit.


Where is he today?


He’s in Barcelona. He told me he was going to see a lady  friend of his.


I want him to come back before I go to sleep.


(To Elisenda)    Excuse me while I make a phone call.   

Rivero takes out his mobile phone and moves away from them. He moves off to the balcony where  he is sure that no one can hear him.



And would you go so far as to sell your house? Perhaps you would lose everything…


I don’t know.  Can I rely on you? (He smiles) Not for the money.


(She states firmly) I owe you it.  If it hadn’t been for you…


As he comes out of Girona Station. Borja is accosted by four skinheads.

                                                                ONE SKIN 

Hey, where are you off  to, mate? Don’t you remember me, Jorge,  from the College?                                                                                   BORJA

I’m in a hurry. I’ve got to go.

(He sees the threatening looks and  gestures of the skinheads and races off) 

                                                                  ONE SKIN 

Don’t let him get away, get him.

Borja runs in terror. They are close behind him. A flickknife gets him in one arm. Borja, holding  his arm, reaches  the army barracks further up  and loses them in an alley. He is leaning  against a telephone kiosk when he notices that he is having a dizzy spell.  He puts a Tegretol  tablet in his mouth and swallows it. He recovers and makes a telephone call. He hears the answermachine at the other end.


Susi I hope you’re well. Take care. They’re following me. Phone me at home to let me know you’re alright. 


Borja arrives, clearly upset. He sees Elisenda with Rivero. The latter is surprised when he sees  Borja come in.


What’s happened? What did they do to you?  Who was that woman from Barcelona?

(Borja looks at her. Then he looks at Rivero)


How long has he been here?


Borja, please.


Four men were waiting for me at the station. If I hadn’t run like hell, I wouldn’t be here to  tell the tale.

Elisenda looks at Rivero.


I’ve been here all the time!


Why don’t you and your friends go to hell!

(She leaves)

Borja goes to hurl himself at Rivero, but the latter wards him off with his arm.


Calm down.  Think about your daughter.

Elisenda comes back.


(To Rivero)   You clear out and don’t come near any of my family   again!  

Rivero pulls a sneering face and leaves. 

Elisenda and Borja look at each other. Elisenda goes to him and embraces him.


Forgive me.


Now we must take care of ourselves. Never leave Isabel on her own.


Borja, what happened today isn’t the worst of it.


What are you hiding from me?


Rivero knew you were in Barcelona.


And did he also know that Carme and I had gone  on a trip?

Elisenda, tearful, nods agreement.

                                                                BORJA ( continues to speak)

Did he know we were in Vitoria?


I’m sorry. Yes, he did.

Elisenda bursts into tears.


(Borja sits her on his knees and tries to comfort her)

There’s nothing we can do about it now!


(Feeling guilty, she begs him to believe her)

I didn’t mean to do you any harm!


© del Script: Joan Guerola



Benjamin Britten

Versió catalana a cura de Joan Guerola

©de la traducció: Joan Guerola,


from JUBILATE AGNO by Christopher Smart

Rejoice in God, O ye Tongues; give the glory to the Lord, and the Lam b. Nations, and languages, and every Creature, in which is the breath of Life. Let man and beast appear befare him, and magnify his name together.

Let Nimrod, the mighty hunter, bind a Leopard to the altar, and conseaate his spear to the Lord.

Let Ishmael dedicate a Tyger, and give praise for the liberty in which the Lord has let him at large.

Let Balaam appear with an Ass, and bless the Lord his people and his creatures for a reward eternal.

Let Daniel come forth with a Lion, and praise God with all his might through faith in Christ J esus.

Let lthamar minister with a Chamois, and bless the name of Him, chac cloatheth the naked.

Let Jakim with the Satyr bless God in the dance.

Let David bless with che Bear – The beginning of victory to the Lord – to the Lord the perfeaion of excellence – H allelujah from che heart of God, and from the hand of the artist inimitab le, and from che echo of the heavenly harp in sweetness magnifica! and mighty.


For I will consider my Cat J eoffry.

For he is the servant of the Living God, duly and daily serving him.

For at the first glance of the glory of God in the East he worships in his way. For chis is done by wreathing his body seven times round wich elegant quick­ ness.

For he knows that God is his Saviour.

For God has blessed him in the variety of his movements. For there is nothing sweeter than his peace when at rest.

For I am possessed of a cat, surpassing in beauty, from whom I ta e occasion to less Almighty G od.


For the Mouse is a creature of great personal valour.

For – this a true case – Cat takes female mouse – male mouse will not depart, but stands threat’ning and daring.

…If you will let her go, I will engage you, as prodigious a creature as you are. For the Mouse is a creature of great personal valour .

For the Mouse is of an hospitable disposition.


For che flowers are great blessings.

For che ílowers their angels even che words of God’s Creation. For che ílower glorifies God and che root parries che adversary. For there is a language of ílowers.

For ílowers are peculiarly che poetry of Ch rist.


For I am under che same accusation with my Saviour­ For they said, he is besides himself.

Fot the officers of the peace are at variance with me, and che watchman smites me with his staff.

For Silly fellow! Silly fellow! is against me and belongeth neither to me nor to my family.

For I am in twelve HARDSHIPS, but he that was born of a virgin shall deliver me

out of all.


For H is a spirit and therefore he is G od. For K is king and therefore he is God.

For L is love and therefore he is God.

For M is musick and therefore he is God. For che instruments are by their rhimes.

For the Shawm rhimes are lawn fawn moon boon and the like. For the harp rhimes are sing ring string and the like.

For the cymbal rhimes are bell well toll soul and the like. For che flute rhimes are tooth youth suit mute and che like. Fot hte Bassoon rhimes are pass class and che like .

For the dulcimer rhimes are grace place beat heat and the like. For the Clarinet rhimes are clean seen and the like .

For the trumpet rhimes are sound bound soar more and che like .

For the TR UMPET of God is a blessed intelligence and so are all che instruments in H EAVEN .

For GOD che father Almighty plays upon . the HARP of stupendous magnitude and melody.

For at that time malignity ceases and the devils themselves are at peace.

For this time is perceptible to man by a remarkable stillness and serenity of sould.


Hallelujah from che heart of God, and from che hand of che arcist inim itable , and from the echo of the heavenly harp in sweemess magnifica! and mighty.

REJOICE IN THE LAMB (alegreu-vos amb l’anyell)


Alegreu-vos amb Déu, oh sí, llengües; glorifiqueu Déu i l’ anyell. Nacions, i llenguatges, i cada criatura en la qual hi ha l’ale de la vida.

Deixeu que l’home i la bestia apareguin davant seu i que magnifiquin el seu nom JUnts.

Deixeu a Nimrod, el poderós ca\ador, que ofereixi un Lleopard a l’altar i que

consagri la seva llan\a al Senyor. ·

Deixeu que Ismael ofereixi un Tigre i 1101 el Senyor que ha tingut abé de deixar-lo lliure.

Deixeu que Balaain aparegui amb un Ase i que el Senyor beneeixi la seva gene i les seves criatures per a la recompensa eterna.

Deixeu que Daniel s’avanci amb un Lleó i alabi Déu amb tot el seu poder a través de la fe en Jesucrist.

Deixeu que comparegui el ministre lthamar amb un Isard i que beneeixi el nom

d’ Aquell que ha vestir el despullar.

Deixeu que Jakim amb el Satir beneeixi Déu amb la dansa.

Deixeu que David amb l’Os beneeixi en el Senyor -en el principi de la viaoria de Déu- la perfecció i la seva exceHencia.

AHeluia des del cor de Déu, i des de la ma de l’artista inimitable, i des del ressó de

l’arpa celestial, amb una magnífica i poderosa dolcesa.


Jo valoro el meu gat Jeoffry per molts motius:

Perque és el servent de Déu Vivent al qual serveix sempre obedientment. Perque al primer esclat de la gloria de. Déu, l’adora voltant el seu cos set vegades amb elegant llestesa.

Perque sap que Déu és el seu Salvador.

Perque Déu li ha atorgar la gran varietat dels seus moviments. Perque no hi ha res més dol\ que la pau que despren quan descansa.

Perque jo posseeixo un gat d’una bellesa incomparable, perla qual cosa jo beneeixo el Déu totpoderós.


La rata és una criatura de gran valor personal:

Perque -és un relat verirable- quan el gat agafa la rata femella, la rata mascle no marxa sinó que roman dreta, amena\adora i auda\.

…Si permets que ella marxi, jo m’ocuparé de tu, és una criatura tan prodigiosa com ets ru.

Perque la rata és una criatura de gran valor personal.

Perque la rata .té un taranna hospitalari.


Les flors són una gran benedicció:

Perque les flors igualen els angels en la seva grandesa, segons les paraules del Senyor.

Perque la flor glorifica Déu i l’arrel deté l’adversari.

Perque hi ha un llenguatge de les flors.

Perque les flors són propies de la poesia de Crist.


Jo estic sota la mateixa acusació que el rneu Salvador:

Perque varen dir que és un dement.

Perque els dignataris de la pau estan en desacord arnb mi i el guardia em colpeja amb el seu bastó.

Perque aquest imbecil!, aquest irnbecíl!, esta contra mi i ni és amic meu ni de la meva família.

Perque jo pateixo dotze inforrunis, pero el que ha nascut d’una verge me’n deslliu­



Perque H és un esperit i, per tant, és Déu. Perque R és rei i, per tant, és Déu.

Perque A és amor i, per tant, és Déu. Perque M és música i, per tant, és D éu.

Perque tots els instruments posseeixen els seus sons:

Perque els sons de la dol aina són “lawn, fawn, moon, boon” i altres de semblants.

Perque els .sons de l’arpa són “sing, ring, scring” i altres de semblants. Perque els sons del címbal són “bell, well, toll soul” i altres de semblants.

Perque els sons de la flauta són “rooth, youth, suit, mute” i altres de semblants. Perque els sons del fagot són “pass, class” i altres de semblants.

Perque els sons del saltiri són “grace, place, beat, heat” i altres de semblants. Perque els sons del clarinet són “clean, seen” i altres de semblants.

Perque els sons de la trompeta són “sound, bound, soar, more” i altres de semblants.

Perque la trompeta de Déu és una perfecta harmonia i per aixo tots els instruments tenen cabuda en el cel.


AHeluia des del cor de Déu, i des de la ma de l’artista inimitable, i des del ressó de

l’arpa celestial, amb una magnífica i poderosa dolcesa.

© de la traducció: Joan Guerola


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